A garden as good as Madoo is never finished…
—Katherine Whiteside Harper's Bazaar
Donations to the Madoo Conservancy not only support the maintenance and enhancement of the garden, but also helps foster a deeper sense of community. During 2020, we learned how important our family and friends are. Whether you live nearby or need to travel from afar, the power of Madoo transcends distance. Help protect our extraordinary garden and join a group of like-minded people dedicated to the environment and the arts.
Annual Appeal
Madoo cannot happen without your generosity, whether it’s getting a door painted, a sofa reupholstered, or filling in a patch of bare soil. As we work toward an even better Madoo, please consider making a gift to the Conservancy. Your gift can have an impact and make a difference. Donate here today.
As a Madoo member, you will be helping to protect the extraordinary garden established by Robert Dash more than 50 years ago and join a group of like-minded people dedicated to the environment and the arts.
Corporate Giving
There are many ways for Corporations to support the Conservancy. Extensive media coverage of Madoo can offer excellent additional benefits for Corporate Underwriters, and Supporters may realize tax savings for gifts-in-kind.
Volunteering and Internships
Madoo has a thriving and growing volunteer community. Our volunteers are essential to maintaining the gardens, welcoming visitors and groups, assisting in our offices, and helping with many of our special events. To get started, please complete the questionnaire.
Welcome Center
Capital Campaign
We are raising funds to execute Madoo’s latest capital improvement project, turning the Loo Shed into a brand-new Welcome Center. This exciting project will transform the visitor experience at Madoo allowing for an accessible entrance, gift shop/welcome point, horticulture library and two bathrooms. Fully tax-deductible donations in support of this capital campaign may be made to the Madoo Conservancy by mail or clicking below.
The Madoo Conservancy, Inc. is a nonprofit organization (public charity) exempt from federal income taxes under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. The Organization’s purpose is to maintain, manage and preserve a public garden in Sagaponack, New York for the benefit of the community and the interested public.